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We have a new APP!

July 21, 2022
By TAAS Administrative Office

Dear TAAS Family

After many months and much work we are happy to be able to bring you our new app.  This app is fully integrated with FACTS SIS and is an easy way for you to get any information that you may need, all at the tips of your fingers!  

After downloading the app please follow the directions on how to login with your current FACTS SIS account information.  Inside you will be able to see all your personalized information as you would be able to see on your FACTS SIS webpage.  For example, do you want to know what lunch is today?  Check the app!  Do you want to see your current fees balance? Check the app! Homework?…

Follow the link below or scan the QR code.

Click HERE to download the app.


Tags: app

Letter Home - February 15

February 15, 2022
By Scott Ishkanian

Dear Parents,


With more rain in the forecast, please have your child bring an umbrella with their names labelled on it or wear a waterproof jacket to school. This will keep them from getting wet while being dropped off from the bus at the gate in the mornings and during the classroom transitions. 






With the Taipei City government gradual relaxation of the COVID restrictions, we will reschedule our Walk-a-Thon to be Sunday, March 6. The program will be hosted in Tianmu Junior High School. It is a school day and attendance will be taken. Please find the information and details of the program in the attachments. 


International Food Fair/Science Fair


Due to the COVID pandemic, we had to cancel our annual International Food Far for the past two year. We are hoping and planning to hold the event this year on Sunday, March 20. We are moving forward the government’s latest COVID prevention measures and procedures. As moving forward, we would like to know if our parents are willing to be part of the event. Kindly help us take the attached survey and return the form to the office by next Wednesday, February 23. Thank you very much!  


228 Memorial Holiday


Please note that there is no school on Monday, February 28th for the national holiday. 




TAAS Interim Principal, Scott Ishkanian

Letter Home - January 26, 2022

January 26, 2022
By Scott Ishkanian

Dear Parents,


With a rise in the number of COVID-19 cases and continually changing regulations, to assure everyone a safe and healthy community, we are requiring everyone, including our students, staff and faculty, and bus drivers, to provide a COVID rapid test/ PCR test before we return from the Chinese New Year break. Please read the following details:


Required COVID-19 Rapid/ PCR Test 

Your child’s rapid test/PCR test result must be submitted to his or her homeroom teacher’s email 3 days prior to coming back on campus. The submission date of a result will be acceptable from Friday, February 4 through Sunday, February 6 before 3:00 p.m. 


An antigen rapid COVID test is readily available and can be obtained in any convenience store or pharmacy. You may scan the QR code on the side for a reference video on how to perform a rapid test. To have the test done more accurately, please have an adult help your child with the test. Below are some notes:  


  • Make sure to put your child’s name and testing date on the tester (as shown in the example below) 
  • Follow the instructions of the test kit step by step on how to administer the test
  • Check the result at processing time mentioned on the instructions
  • Take a picture of your child’s test result 
  • Email your child’s result picture to his/her homeroom teacher by the submission period mentioned above

Please see an example of the COVID rapid test result in the attachment.

  • A negative result – When only line C appears  
  • A positive result – When line C and line T appear 
  • Invalid result – No lines or only line T indicate that the result is invalid, and needs to be taken again 

Please note if people test positive, they shall wear a face mask and visit a nearby community testing site for further COVID-19 testing as soon as possible, and they must not use public transportation when seeking testing; also, if people test positive with a home test kit, they shall place the test kit in a plastic bag, seal the bag tightly, and bring it to a healthcare profession at a community testing site when seeking testing. 


People who test negative shall continue to abide by the CECC's disease prevention regulations, practice personal preventive measures, and observe self-health management; people who test negative shall also place a used home test kit and swab in a plastic bag, seal the bag tightly, and dispose of it in the general trash bin.


Below are the email addresses of homeroom teachers in each class:


Class - Teacher Names - Email Address

1st grade - Mrs. Irai -

2nd grade - Ms. Oasan -

3rd grade - Mr. Ishkanian -

4th grade - Mr. Phillips -

5th grade - Mr. Johnston -

6th grade - Mr. Zalabak -

7th grade - Ms. Maletin -

8th grade - Mr. DePaiva -

EAL Prep room - Ms. Machado -


Lunar New Year Holiday

There will be no school on January 31st - February 4th for lunar new year. Students will return to school on Monday, February 7th if they have tested negative for COVID and have sent the results to their homeroom teachers. We wish everyone a Happy New Year!




TAAS Interim Principal, Scott Ishkanian

Letter Home - January 20

January 20, 2022
By Scott Ishkanian

Dear Parents,


Yesterday the Ministry of Education restricted school activities off campus.  All field trips were cancelled from January 21st through end of February.  Our office staff called MOE directly to ask about our fund-raising Walk-a-Thon, scheduled for this Sunday, January 23.  They advised us to not hold the event at this time.  We will follow their recommendation.  We still plan to have the Walk-a-Thon at a later date, when permitted and arrangements can be made.  Thank you for your donations which we will still accept. We will hold them in trust until we have the event. 


This announcement also affects our after-school programs, which are now postponed until the end of February.  Please do not send club fees yet.  We will share the adjusted class schedule and fees when we are able to again have these enjoyable after school options. If you would like your child to sign up for a class, the registration period is extended and you may turn in the sign-up sheet by next Friday, January 28.


Here is a reminder that next week is our spirit week (January 24-28). We are still doing our picture day, which is next Tuesday, January 25th.  Students do not have to dress fancy, but make sure they look nicely. 


Spirit Week Themes: 

Monday- Backwards Day

Tuesday- Twin Day

Wednesday- Dress Like a Teacher Day    

Thursday- Hoodie Day 

Friday- Future Career Day 


We will keep you posted on new developments as we become aware of them.


Interim Principal,   Scott Ishkanian




台北市教育局昨日宣布最新校外活動的防疫指引,自 1 月 21 日起至2月底,各級學校校外教學活動暫停或延期辦理。我們也已向教育局確認,本週日(1 月 23 日)舉行的慈善走拉松活動,本校將遵循教育局的建議下延緩辦理活動。延後的活動日期,將因應未來疫情可能發展變化,依教育局最新防疫指引配合辦理後通知。感謝您的捐款,提醒未繳交募款單的學生,請將募款單與捐款放入信封袋,交回學校,謝謝。




提醒您,下週(1月24日~1月28日)為學校的主題服裝週(Spirit Week),以及週二(1月25日)為拍照日(Picture Day),當天學生不需要盛裝打份,請穿著舒適整潔的服裝為主即可。



週一: 顛倒日(Backwards Day)

週二: 雙胞胎日(Twin Day)

週三: 老師日(Dress Like a Teacher Day)    

週四: 連帽T恤日(Hoodie Day) 

週五- 未來職業日(Future Career Day) 




代理校長   Scott Ishkanian

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