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The Taipei Adventist American School Board of Directors:

  • Establishes a clear mission and vision, and strategic goals consistent with these.
  • Ensures the financial health, stability, and future of the school.
  • Formulates the policies of the institution.

The TAAS Board of Directors consists of seven to 11 members. There are six members that are ex-officio, that is, that are appointed to serve based on position in the Administration of the Taiwan Conference of SDA organization located in Taichung and New Life International Church.  These members include: the conference president as chairperson, the conference secretary, the conference treasurer, and the conference superintendent of education.  The two remaining appointed board members are the pastor of New Life International Church, and the school principal, who serves as the board secretary.  For the board's elected members, qualified laymen of educational or other relevant backgrounds may be elected based on the needs of the school.


All Board members serve for three-year terms. All Board members are volunteers and serve without compensation. The Board generally meets bi-monthly.


Board Members Profiles