Message to Students and Parents
WELCOME to Fourth Grade! You don’t want to miss fourth grade! We have so much to learn about how to cooperate with each other, how to grow in our creativity, how to be independent, how to ask questions, how to respect everything around us, and most importantly – how to develop a friendship with Jesus. If you visit in the morning, you will hear us singing and probably see us working on understanding the wonderful world around us. If you visit in the afternoon, you will probably see us diligently working independently on reading and writing. Don’t be surprised if you see us on the floor; it’s really a great place to concentrate!
We love Friday because it’s different. We begin the day by going to an assembly with the entire school. Next, we get to mentally race ourselves with Math Frenzies – yes, it’s time to have those multiplication tables memorized at lightning speed! After that, we will have a class meeting in which we help each other solve problems, brainstorm ways to make a difference in our community, and discuss any other topics or issues relevant to our class. Then, we work on either reading or writing for awhile, and sometimes that includes helping first grade by being their reading buddies. Art and music are also on the agenda this day. Our days and weeks always seem to fly by with so much going on!
I think fourth graders are super special! I also think that their families are very important, and I’m always open to suggestions and ideas about how to make fourth grade the best it can be for EVERY student. Let’s make this learning journey together!