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Message to Students and Parents

Music makes students smarter by helping them develop language, reasoning, memorization, coordination, engagement in school, and emotions, among other skills, that contribute to improving their brain function.


At TAAS, students will learn how to perform, sing, listen, recognize and embrace music. Gradually, from grades 1 through 8, kids will have a unique and progressive experience with music. In addition, 5th-8th graders will have a chance to join either choir or band. They will also have the opportunity to participate in two annual concerts, Christmas and Spring, where they will perform and show what they have learned during the year.


Besides the general music classes and the instrumental and vocal ensembles, TAAS offers individual and private lessons for beginner students on wind and brass instruments. TAAS is also accepting students of all levels who would like to enroll in formal piano instruction.


I encourage all my students to adopt an optimistic spirit towards music by getting involved in all activities and games. The outcomes are astonishing when the students face any subject with a positive attitude.


Welcome to Music!


If my child is in 3rd grade and he plays clarinet, can he join the band?

No. Band and Choir are designed to be taught only to grades 5th-8th, regardless of the instrument and level the student plays.

Can a student switch to band if he/she doesn’t like choir or vice versa?

Any member who is registered in any ensemble should wait until next year to be able to switch.

How much are the individual instrument lessons?

Please ask the office for the invoice.

Is playing at the annual concerts optional?

Students are all required to take part in the annual concerts. They will only be excused under specific exceptions of medical conditions.

Is my child given credit for music class?

Music classes are graded the same as Math and Science are.

My child wants to join band but we do not have instruments. What can we do?

TAAS has a complete set of concert band instruments in perfect condition that can be rented at a reasonable price.

How much time should students practice at home?

Students are given a practice log and they are to turn it in weekly with a signature of a parent or guardian witnessing a personal rehearsal of at least 15 minutes every day, five days a week. Practice sessions cannot be accumulated. Students are given credit for this.

Class Resources

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