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Message to Students and Parents



Creating a good atmosphere for learning Chinese is only the first step. How to let children find the motivation to move forward and use it in their lives, and not give up even in the face of difficulties' in speaking Chinese, is the key to children's success in learning Chinese.  “Learning” is student-oriented and uses Chinese culture to enhance moral education, improve students’ character quality, learn how to respond politely and behave in a disciplined manner, and also lets children have a solid whole-person education to improve students ability to live. It is bound to be unstoppable to explore more new knowledge, and among peers and friends in the same field, a lot of fun will be derived from the exchange and interaction and sharing of experience, which will stimulate the enthusiasm to work together to explore new knowledge. Taking the improvement of Chinese language ability as a key to enter the global village anywhere in the future.


Enjoying learning.

Don’t be afraid of failure.

Only those who dare greatly can ever achieve greatly.

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