Message to Students and Parents
In First Grade, students learn to read, write, begin a foundation in math, explore science, social studies, create in art, and more.
In English, we learn sounds and letters, how to manipulate sounds and letters to make words, and to make meaning of what we read by using pictures and personal knowledge. If students come to First Grade already able to read, then they focus on comprehension and more advanced reading skills such as multi-syllable words, consonant and vowel teams, etc. Our English and Language Arts program incorporates skills from the four domains of learning language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students practice a lot of English vocabulary.
First Grade Math incorporates many areas of number awareness. We learn to skip count for the patterns of 2, 5, 10, and 100. We also learn odd and even numbers, geometric solid shapes, polygons, measuring in inches and centimeters, American money, addition and subtraction facts, some 2-digit addition and subtraction, bar graphing, place values, grouping tens, and more.
Science will include studying about plants, animals, ecosystems, the human body, the solar system, and forces.
In Social Studies, we learn about our neighborhood, jobs people do, weather, continents and oceans and features of the earth, and good citizenship.
In Bible class, we learn stories from the Bible, like Queen Esther and King David. We sing and learn how much Jesus loves us.

Bachelors in Science
Interests and hobbies:
In my free time I like reading, arts and crafts.
My Message:
Welcome to my classroom. I am happy and excited to be teaching First Grade at TAAS this year. I love teaching and I am looking forward to meeting all my students and getting to know each one of them.

Frequently asked questions about first grade:
Do first graders learn multiplication?
Do first graders learn cursive?
First Graders do not learn cursive writing. Most First Graders are learning to hold their pencils correctly and form manuscript letters correctly. Cursive is not formally taught until Third Grade.
Do first graders take a nap?
First Graders do not take a nap. We have story time when we can rest our bodies.
Do first graders eat snacks?
First Graders have snacks in the morning after PE.
How much recess do first graders have?
First Graders have two recess breaks as we believe giving the mind enough time to relax and digest information is just as important as feeding the mind.
What should my first grader be able to do?
First Graders should be able to put on their own shoes and take care of their own bathroom needs.
Do first graders have homework?
Yes, they have a daily reading log and math homework page. Students should also practice their spelling words and memory verse.
Why is the math/spelling/work seem so easy?
TAAS follows the traditional American School curriculum. Students enter first grade with various skill levels. The teacher will do her best to increase the difficulty of the work to accommodate students. Remember that the majority of students are learning in a second language (English). Your child may already know the math concept, but still need to practice the English vocabulary related to the concept.
Does my child have to read in English at home?
You and your child may read in your native language for reading log homework. Research shows that children who are literate in their first language usually acquire second language skills more quickly and easily.
What textbooks do you use?
Reading/Phonics – Pathways, Reading A-Z
Language Arts/Writing – Pathways, Handwriting without Tears
Spelling/Phonics – Pathways, Words Their Way
Math – Saxon
Science – By Design
Social Studies – My World: Adventures in Time and Place
Bible – Belonging to His Family