2022 - 2023 Financial information
Tuition and Fees are used to support our high-quality educational programs as well as facilities maintenance and improvements. Tuition and Fees are in New Taiwan Dollars (NT$).
The application fee is non-refundable and is payable via credit card at the completion of the online application. Once a child is accepted, the billing statement with Tuition and Fees will be sent. The Tuition and Fees may be payable in full or in two installments. The first semester Tuition and Fees are due on or before the 30th of June. Second semester Tuition and Fees are due on or before the 30th of November.
Other payments outside of normal tuition and fees can be paid to the following account. If you make a special payment please let the office know so we can apply it to the correct account.
Name: Taipei Adventist American School
Account number: 010-0903-8787
Mega International Commercial Bank - Lanya Branch : 017-0103
兆豐國際商銀蘭雅分行 : 017-0103
Other Important Payment policies
If you would like to pay in USD, please contact the office to be sure of the current exchange rate that the school is using.
If a student withdraws within the first week of any semester, he or she shall receive 70% refund of payment.
If a student withdraws within the first quarter of any semester, he or she shall receive 50% refund of payment.
If a student withdraws after the first quarter of any semester, he or she shall receive no refund of payment.
For all other detailed financial policies, please see the related document "School Fee Policies" below.